Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Having a ball (or two)

Having recently gotten a new computer with four times the internal memory of my old machine, render times on Apo fractals has been dramatically reduced. Which means that I am having a ball (literally). Below are two of my recent works for your viewing pleasure.

Galactic Golf Ball

Galactic Golf Ball

Window World

Window World / Cosmic Marble

Both the above graphics were rendered as transparent .png files and the backgrounds were added afterwards using Paint Shop Pro.


Blogger Guido Cavalcante said...

When I open the page of OT half of the first image of your post was shown at my screnn. I scroll it with the arrow down (not the mouse) and a "magic" happens: the slippering movment produced a kind of optical illusion at the image as if it was rolling round itself. I try it again and still was there. Maight you can consider it as a visual "potential" of some of your images - as if they are animated. That not happens with the 2nd one. Best.

1/10/2007 7:16 AM

Blogger Dzeni said...

Cool! Thanks for letting me know about the illusion. I had not really considered animating the ball.

1/10/2007 5:16 PM

Blogger Guido Cavalcante said...

I don´t know if you animate the ball, the same effect will be given. What is intersting is the kinetic illusion it produces. There is an artist (among many otheres) that incorporated such an illusion like this into his works: Victor Vasarely (op-art). There isn´t many good things of him to be seen at the web.

1/11/2007 10:46 AM

Blogger cruelanimal said...

Here is a site selling Vasarely prints. It might give some idea of the kind of kinetic illusions Guido mentioned.

1/11/2007 10:57 AM


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