Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tierazon and the Rule of Thirds

Every so often I create something in Tier-azon (if you don't have it, you can download it from the link on this page). Its a brilliant piece of free software which can make some pretty "classic" fractals.

Below are some of my recent efforts, with a twist. All of them attempt to follow the "Rule of Thirds".

There is some merit in paying attention to the above rule, two of the images below have done reasonably well on Shutterstock.

Daisy Chain

Daisy Chain

Electric Essence

Electric Essence

Psychedelic Fractal Compass

Psychedelic Fractal Compass

Tier-azon does not have gridlines to help with composition, so I rendered the above graphics much larger than needed and then cropped them in Paintshop pro. In retrospect it would have been easier to approximate, but then why choose the easy way when the hard way will do.


Blogger Tim said...

A while ago, I wanted to learn how to make better fractals images. I went to the public library and got out books on painting and design, but I didn't find it helped me much. Later on, I realized that fractal art (single-layer images) and algorithmic art are more like photography than painting: we capture, we don't create. So I read a book about photography and the only thing I got out of it was the Rule of Thirds and like you've suggested, it's something that makes almost any image more attractive in the eyes of most people.

1/19/2007 1:31 PM


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